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Christopher Nascimento, November 29 2020

How to Become a Sport Marketer

Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away…, whoops. That’s Shrek. I’m Christopher Nascimento and I’m an up and coming Sport Marketer. At the time of this blogpost, I am in the process of completing my academic journey! Being in my 8th semester of my Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree at the Telfer School of Management, I’ve had quite the journey to get to where I am today. Now, you may be wondering, what’s so special about my career path compared to yours? The truth is, there may in fact be nothing special about my path. But, it is a story. It’s my story. And I’m going to share it.

Currently, there are three major components of my life that I am focused on: growing my personal brand, completing my application classes and developing my professional experience in marketing. All of which incorporate marketing, sport, or sport marketing. Those three topics will give you a clear illustration of who I am. If it hasn’t been clear, this website and blog, are all about yours truly. Me. Your competitor’s next hire. The solution to the sports attendance problem. THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. Sorry, got carried away there. I’m Christopher Nascimento, and here’s my story…

Where I Came From

I’m a first generation Portuguese Canadian, therefore it was the norm to dream of becoming a professional soccer player. However, I also come from an accounting background. As both of my parents worked in the specialty. This led to unusual aspirations for me at a young age. I wrote in my elementary school yearbook that I wanted to a be professional soccer player or an accountant. Nothing in between. But in my dreams, these two worlds never collided. Luckily for me, I learned I could connect both realities; I decided I was going to combine accounting and sports. I wanted to own a firm that would specialize in advising athletes on their finances. But some things don’t always go as planned…

How I Knew Sport Marketing Was For Me

I clearly I didn’t become a professional soccer player and I hit a wall after starting my BCom in Accounting. I realized I wasn’t the lucky student who had it all figured it. I performed well at my accounting job, but I hated it. I just knew it wouldn’t fuel my fire for long. I faced a huge identity crisis. I no longer knew what was next. The plan that I set out for myself at the age of 5, which I stuck to for 15 years, was falling apart.

Then it clicked. At the halfway mark of 2018, two events occurred that changed the path that I was on. The Ottawa Senators began to have attendance issues and Baker Mayfield had a team of Sport Marketers, Waterhouse Hayes, with him at the draft. I knew at that point in time Sport Marketing was going to be for me. It would fuel my competitive drive, by wanting to become the solution to the sport attendance problem or to work hand in hand with players to grow their brand off the field. From then on, it’s been full steam ahead with no signs of stopping.

 What I Did to Become a Sport Marketer

Now I just needed to know where to start. I was always googling “how to become a Sports Marketer” or “how to get a job in sports marketing”. The answer was easy, as we’ve all heard the phrase “it’s all about who you know”. Well I didn’t know many people in the sport industry. What did I do? I reignited the fire in my belly and did what I had to. I went straight to Toronto to attend a MLSE networking event. I told people in my inner circle what my interests were and asked if they knew anyone I could meet. I even went to my professor’s office hours, for once, and told them the career I wanted. The result. I’ve met, and am still meeting with, incredible people within the marketing and sport industry. With every discussion I have, I believe I’ve taken away an important lesson or opportunity, that I would not have had anywhere else.

What I’m Doing Now

Luckily for you, I know what you’re now wondering. “What are you up to now?” Well like I previously mentioned, I’m focused on three major components: growing my personal brand, completing my application classes and furthering my professional experience in marketing. This blog, website and my social media accounts (follow me @nascimentomktg on all social media), are a part of growing my personal brand. The purpose of this is to give people within the industry or people trying to get into the industry, an inside look of what I am up to. As for my application classes, my groups and I, are currently working on two projects: one with Badminton Canada and the other with the uOttawa Alumni Association (stay tuned for updates on both projects). Finally, I am currently a Sport Marketer for Charlie Hustle Sports. Specifically, I’m focused on digital marketing. We’re an up and coming software developer, who have created two hockey data and analytics apps; Keeper40 and ProElements. With so much going on in my last semester of university, it looks like we’re all in for an eventful ride. Stay up to date with what I’m doing and how I’m getting there, by following my blogs and my social media accounts @nascimentomktg. Enjoy.

Written by

Christopher Nascimento


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